Who can apply for grants?
Individual grants
Applicants must be living in ÅŒtorohanga or have very close associations with ÅŒtorohanga District.
Community group grants
Organisations must be not-for-profit entities based in ÅŒtorohanga and supporting ÅŒtorohanga communities
What are our grant priorities?
The Trust makes grants for charitable purposes in the following areas:
Sport and recreation
Health and well-being
Grants are made where there is a clear benefit to the ÅŒtorohanga District community or to a person living in the District.
We are especially keen on applications which build community cohesion and sustainability (paddling our waka together), connectedness, resilience, vibrancy and inclusion.
We try to do the most good for the most people we can.
What don’t we fund?
We don’t fund the following:
For-profit/business organisations or purposes
Repayment of debt
Personal loans
Religious purpose
Political advocacy
High performance sport or other competition
Core education and public health provided by government (e.g. teacher or nurse salaries, core school or medical equipment)
Retrospective applications
Fundraising (e.g. costs for a fundraiser, marketing and event costs for fundraising events, raffle prizes)
How do you apply?
Applications will be considered at the following meetings with the associated closing date for applications:
Dates for Trust Meetings and Closing Dates
for Applications – 2024/25
Closing Date for Applications
Trust Meeting Date
Monday 22 April
Monday 24 June
Monday 19 August​ (and AGM)
Monday 18 November​
Monday 17 February 2025​
Monday 8 April
Monday 10 June
Monday 5 August
Monday 4 November
Monday 3 February 2025
We ask you to please read our FAQs before applying to ensure your application is eligible.
The Trust will usually let applicants know the outcome during the week following the Board meeting.
Applications must be made on the Grant Application Form available on the website and emailed to info@otoct.org.nz
How do you account for your grant?
After you have used the grant, please email info@otoct.org.nz up to one page telling us how you used the grant and what benefits the grant provided.
You can only apply for further grants once you have accounted for any previous grants.
Grants must be used for the purpose you applied for. If the purpose is no longer going ahead, then you must repay the grant to ÅŒtorohanga Charitable Trust.